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Existing Members
HR Professionals, we are here for you. Joining our chapter is easy.
Membership in the MTHRMA is $50 or Membership with Meal Package is $150 annually.
SHRM Affiliation
The Mid-Tex Human Resource Management Association is an affiliated SHRM chapter (#0609). SHRM membership, however, is separate from MTHRMA membership. If you are interested in learning more about SHRM or applying for SHRM membership, you are encouraged to contact SHRM directly at 800-283-7476 or online at If you need additional information regarding MTHRM, please contact a board member or attend a monthly meeting.
Eligible individuals may become members of MTHRMA upon submission of a completed application with the prescribed dues and approval by the Membership Committee. MTHRMA memberships are extended on an individual basis and are not transferable.
The membership shall consist of Regular, Associate, Honorary and Student members as defined below.
Regular Members: Professionals and managers responsibly engaged in the practice of human resources administration and faculty members of accredited educational institutions who hold assistance association or full professorial rank in personnel administration or any of its specialized phases. Full-time consultants are also eligible for membership.
Associate Members: Persons not qualifying for Regular membership who demonstrate a bona fide interest in human resource management. Associate members may not vote or hold an elected office in the Chapter.
Honorary Members: Any member in good standing at the time of retirement from active employment in human resource management.
Student Members: Individuals who are actively enrolled in human resources degree programs at the college or university level. Student members may not vote or hold office in the Chapter.