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    Innovation and HR Challenges: Innovation, Technology and Diverse Talent

    Date: August 18, 2016, 11:30am
    Mid-Tex HRMA Board Members
    305 Booker St.
    Brownwood, Texas
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    Innovation and HR Challenges: Innovation, Technology and Diverse Talent

    by Otis Scott

    This presentation is designed to help the audience understand that the pace of technology innovation is increasing so fast that many have a hard time choosing where to focus and how to discover what is new. Most delay action and miss the window to innovate. The growthe of complex sytems and a global infrastructure has changed the decision and education process. The ability for Human Resource professional to adapt to real-time change, encourage innovation and have the foresight to handle our changing society, may seem like tomorrow's champions innovative ideas and concepts, while steering the business to new heights and building that rock star culture. 

    Learning Objectives

    1. The future of work and the impact on business
    2. Work, innovation and the competitive advantage
    3. The generational and life style paradigm shift in the work
    4. Greater understanding of innovation and how to develop a creative culure